We had a meeting in the gallery Sunday with four of the five artists to be featured in our March exhibition, "Women's Work."
Abbe McGray,
Jenny Davis,
Molly Brose and
Laurel Hausler chatted with us about what they're working on and all the artists got a chance to finally meet each other (
Mary Chiaramonte, whose work will also be in the show, was unable to make it to the meeting). It was nice to spend the afternoon talking with such a talented group of women. In 2006 we met so many fantastic young female artists (in fact, we met more women whose work appealed to us than we did men). Finally Nevin and I saw the pattern and decided to put together this exhibition showcasing these five young women and their distinct world views. The exhibition, entitled "Women's Work," will run from March 14 - April 8 with an opening reception on Thursday, March 15 from 6-9 pm. Pictured: Molly Brose, Keep Up, watercolor on paper, 10"x10".
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